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86th District Court - Traverse City, MI

The 86th District Court is located at 280 Washington Street, Traverse City, MI 49684. The Court serves Leelanau, Grand Traverse, and Antrim Counties. The presiding judges are Honorable Michael S. Stepka and Honorable Robert A. Cooney.

Additional information regarding the Court and its services beyond this post can be found at: You can also reach them at (231) 922-4580.

The district court is divided into three divisions:

  1. Traffic Division - deals with citations and civil infraction tickets issued by local police departments and the Michigan State Police.

  2. Civil Division - deals with case that involve money or damage claims under $25,000.00, and landlord/tenant disputes. There is also a small claims division that handles case involving $6,500.00 or less at issue.

  3. Criminal Division - processes paperwork from local police departments, the Michigan State Police, and local and state prosecutors. The District Court has the exclusive jurisdiction over all criminal matters where the maximum penalty does not exceed 1-year in jail, also known as "misdemeanors." The Court also handles the initial process of all felony charges allegedly committed in its jurisdiction. These felony matters first begin with an arraignment, followed by a probable cause conference ("PCC") and ultimately a preliminary examination ("PE"). A preliminary examination is a hearing conducted to determine if the prosecution has sufficient evidence to show that a crime was committed and it is more likely than not that the accused committed that crime. If the prosecution proves both of these elements, the case is bound over for trial to the Circuit Court located in Traverse City, MI.

  4. Probation Department - handles pre-sentence investigation interviews, substance abuse evaluations, probation supervision, and probation violation hearings for misdemeanor offenses.

Common Criminal Charges in the 86th District Court

Some common criminal offenses that occur in the 86th District Court are driving while license suspended or no operator's license on person, as well as other traffic matters; assault and battery, domestic violence, aggravated assault, as well as other assaultive crimes; theft crimes, like larceny, retail fraud, and NSF checks; burglary, operating while intoxicated (OWI), operating under the influence of drugs (OUID), operating while visibly impaired (OWVI), trespassing, disorderly persons, and more.

Bondy Law, PLLC & the 86th District Court

The firm regularly handles alleged criminal matters in Leelanau, Grand Traverse, and Antrim Counties, and has appeared in the 86th District Court. We are familiar with the policies, procedures, and requirements of the Court. We have consistently obtained outstanding results for our clients facing serious legal issues, including direct and collateral consequences from criminal charges in these counties. If you and/or your loved one have a matter in the 86th District Court, please contact our office today.

Call now for a free consultation on how Spencer can help you through your legal matter. Let's win together.

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